

27 October, 2021




  • 新报告显示,循环经济实践可以减少碳排放, 浪费和成本建设项目,并导致更高的正规博彩十大网站排名估值和积极的品牌形象.
  • 报告展示了追求循环经济的经济价值,但强调需要更多关于财务效益的定量数据,以便将循环从利基转变为建筑行业的主流.
  • 作者呼吁企业通过在建筑项目决策过程的早期采用全生命周期碳评估和生命周期成本等成熟的行业方法来衡量循环, including the accounting for residual value of solutions, components and materials, and reductions in operational expenditures, demolition or (future) carbon costs.

Geneva, 27 October – A new report 由正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD)主办,透过展示社会与环境之间的联系,为循环建筑提供商业案例, environmental and economic value. Supported by Ramboll, the report illustrates examples from the industry, highlighting benefits such as reduced costs and emissions, 并增加正规博彩十大网站排名评估,作为实施循环解决方案的业务案例的一部分. However, 既定的行业方法需要发展,以便更好地定量衡量循环解决方案的好处.

建筑业消耗了全球大约一半的原始资源,占全球碳排放和固体废物流的近40%. 在建筑环境中采用循环和再生方法将是实现向低碳经济的公正过渡和限制生物多样性丧失的关键.

该报告阐明了在建筑环境中追求循环的商业案例,包括经济价值和更广泛的价值案例, including environmental and social factors. 它将定性和定量研究结合起来,确定如何获得价值以及谁可以获得价值.

Based on a literature review, a global survey and several case studies, 报告显示了循环建筑解决方案的经济价值的新证据, such as:

  • 通过优先使用现有的建筑用地,避免因购置新土地和堆填而产生的成本
  • 通过计算剩余材料价值和减少解构和填埋成本来增加正规博彩十大网站排名价值
  • 通过循环建筑设计和使用以服务为中心而不是以产品为中心的新型商业模式,降低能源成本和服务费,从而实现租赁价格优势
  • 通过提升品牌和当地社区的购买,实现市场差异化和快速销售

In terms of the broader value case, 该报告强调,优先考虑循环经济方法的发展将显著减少碳排放和废物产生. It points to additional value for the local economy and communities, such as the creation of local material marketplaces and local jobs, and the preservation of cultural heritage, although these benefits remain difficult to quantify.

进一步提升循环建筑的经济价值, 该报告强调,需要更多关于经济效益的定量数据,以使建筑行业的循环经济实践成为主流. The authors, therefore, 呼吁企业通过在项目决策过程的早期采用全生命周期碳评估和生命周期成本等既定的行业方法来衡量循环, including the accounting for residual value of solutions, components and materials, and reductions in operational expenditures, demolition or (future) carbon costs.

Roland Hunziker, Director, Sustainable Buildings & Cities at WBCSD said, “我们正在见证全球建筑业进入令人兴奋的新阶段的早期迹象——将循环解决方案的价值纳入建筑项目的金融业务案例, we can start to quantify the economic benefits (of reduced material use, reduced carbon emissions, increased asset valuation, etc.),并推动决策接受循环经济的真正价值.”

Roy Antink,斯道拉恩索国际政策协调、正规博彩十大网站排名高级副总裁, said: “To sustain life within the planetary boundaries, we need to tackle the oversized environmental footprint of buildings. 这需要整个建筑价值链迫切地走到一起,共同开发设计方法, business models, and technical solutions for material reuse and recycling, 使今天生产的建筑材料增加社会和经济价值. 我希望这份报告能激励行业参与者和政策制定者为这一共同旅程做出贡献.”

Pascal Eveillard, Director, Sustainable Business Development at Saint-Gobain, “正规博彩十大网站排名评估模型需要进一步发展,以考虑到基于全生命周期方法的建筑循环解决方案的真正价值创造. 这是可能的,我们呼吁所有行业利益相关者共同努力,增加证据.”

Phil Kelly, Director for Sustainable Solutions at Ramboll UK, 他说:“在建筑行业中建立循环方法可以改变对地球的影响,同时也带来新的商业机会. With investors increasingly assessing the environmental, social and governance credentials of businesses, and the ongoing development of new economic taxonomies, now is the time to introduce circular approaches. However, the construction industry is still struggling to define, generate and capture the associated value from circular approaches, a clear learning curve is required from the industry.”

For more information, please contact Julia Mitic.